Internet references or short “links” are the binding fabric of the web. Markdown encourages their use by providing a few
simple markup options.
There are three ways to create a link in CommonMark Markdown:
We can place an absolute URL (starting with
) explicitly in the Markdown text.We can name the link and provide the URL inline.
We can name the link and add a reference to the URL somewhere else.
Irrespective of the syntax the rendered result and the layout are the same. The theme distinguishes between internal links to the same domain and external links to others.
Explicit links
CommonMark transforms marked absolute URLs into links and the linkify extension even allows omitting the mark and writing raw URLs.
URLs enclosed in angled brackets like <>
are rendered into
Every absolute URL like
is rendered into If you want to stop this default behavior, you can set linkify
to false
in the markup configuration.
Named links
There are two ways to turn a phrase or word into a link.
We can include the URL inline, which is convenient but may bloat the text, especially in the case of very long URLs.
The alternative is to write the URL into a separate reference like a footnote.
Inline links
The link inside of the text has to be enclosed by square brackets []
. The
URL and the optional title follow in parens ()
like this:
1. This is an [inline-style link](
2. This is an [inline-style link]( "Example site")
with a title. Hover your mouse over it.
And the resulting links look like this:
An internal link to a page fragment
An internal link to a file
An external link to an absolute URL
An external link with a title. Hover your mouse over it.
Reference links
A reference link is marked by a second set of square brackets with a usually short reference name inside.
[Link to Example][ref]
is again displayed as Link to Example when we repeat the reference marker somewhere else in the file, followed by a colon :
, the URL, and the optional title:
[ref]: "Example page"
This reference is never shown directly. Its URL and the title are used as attributes for the link element.
The link render hook of this theme checks the existence of internal links and link fragments that reference automatically generated heading identifiers.
Its default configuration throws a warning if a page can’t be found, but does not complain about missing fragments. Both — pages and fragments — are rendered as they come if an error is not configured to stop the build.
errorLevel: warning # ignore, warning (default), or error
errorLevel: ignore # ignore (default), warning
Missing fragments are not reported by default, because only headings and their identifiers got an additional data structure in Hugo recently. When a link references other less common identifiers — manual anchors or line numbers in code blocks for example — the link hook invalidates them falsely because there is no way to find them in a Hugo template.1 Should you have a lot of these, you may want to leave the error level for fragments set to ignore most of the time. But the warning level may still prove to be very valuable for reporting missing heading references at build time.
If you want to rigorously check all your links — even external ones — you need to install additional software that validates a build (see publish) of your site. Tools like html-proofer check all referenced URLs.
The relref shortcode is not supported
Hugo’s built-in shortcode relref automatically generates the relative path for pages with a unique page name. We could type [relative link]({{< relref "unique-page-name" >}})
in the standard CommonMark link element and get the relative link without knowing the actual path.
But the render-link hook of this theme can’t process the shortcode and may throw the infamous HAHAHUGO...
error. We need to abandon the shortcode once and for all for the sake of the advanced hook.
That’s also why there is no possibility to throw an error for missing fragments. Valid content shouldn’t be able to stop a site from getting rendered. ↩︎