Front-end developer specializing in typographic layout & SSG.
I’m engaged in web publishing1. My focus lies on a consistent layout and optimal legibility. I’m developing fluid-responsive designs because they can integrate many achievements of classic typographic page design on all kinds of screens — from mobile phones up to high-density monitors.
Baseline grids and evenly spaced columns bear many fruits when the layout proportions are at least partially fixed like on physical pages. My fluid-responsive templates contain a few layout versions and each one beyond mobile preserves fixed proportions between its breakpoints. I can offer outstanding layout flows and details on very fast-loading pages.
- Cascading Style Sheets
- are my main field of expertise. Style sheets are a collection of mechanisms to add fonts and styling to a web document. They’re not a consistent programming language and every rigorous system reducing their complexity for the sake of technical maintainability tends to diminish their capabilities.
I don’t follow one CSS methodology on my own projects and combine particular achievements of SMACSS, BEM, and OOCSS. Similarly, I use SASS and PostCSS to simplify and optimize the style sheet generation.
- Markdown
- is a very popular heuristic markup system to structure text files. Because Markdown has been derived from intuitive markup habits in early text forums and emails it’s overly simplistic. I’m an expert in enriching and styling the resulting HTML.
- Hugo
- I’ve been using this reliable engine since version 0.18 to build fast static websites that require minimal maintenance. I’ve been following Hugo’s growing capabilities and have become a proficient Go HTML template developer and focus on creating reusable modules. When Markdown attributes became available in version 0.86 I started to dive deep into Markdown styling.
- Javascript
- I like to enhance static sites with dynamic capabilities when there is a clear benefit. (See the search and optimized image delivery for example)
I’m also a writer and speaker (in German) with a focus on the epistemology of the natural sciences. I was a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt. Currently, I am working full-time as an IT-Consultant for TestSolutions in Frankfurt am Main.
I’ve got an advanced degree in physics (diploma thesis in the field of applied non-linear dynamics, minor field: IT). ↩︎